Vim Syntax Files

I am a keen user of vim (vi-Improved). I have developed syntax files for Synopsys PrimeTime, DesignCompiler, Formality, IBM Einstimer and now Altera Quartus and Cadence RTL-Compiler.  For those who try to share scripts between PrimeTime and DesignCompiler, there is a syntax file which contains all the commands of both tools.

I wrote a script that analyzes various sources (the man pages and the output of “help -v *”) and creates syntax file for vim which add tool-specific commands to the standard tcl syntaxing.  They recognize option abbreviations, and command abbreviations .   They also know about tool built-in variables and attributes.  Releases contain dictionary files as well to make command-completion work.  Most releases also contain a script called “” that will read your “procs” and create local (user-specific) syntax and dict files so that your procs and their options will also highlight correctly.


Update 2024.02.14 (Happy Valentine’s Day!).  Some lawyerly folks (presumably representing Synopsys) have forced me to take these down.  As they’re all out of date now, I’m not going to fight it.  Sorry.  Lawyers ruin everything…

Standard vim syntax file for Synopsys PrimeTime version 2016.12

Standard vim syntax file for Synopsys DesignCompiler/ICC version 2016.12

Combined vim syntax file for Synopsys DesignCompiler/ICC version 2016.12 and Primetime version 2016.12

Standard vim syntax file for Synopsys Formailty version 2016.1

Sandard vim syntax file for Cadence RTL-Compiler (v11.66)

Standard vim syntax file Altera Quartus qsf files (v10.1)

Standard vim syntax file Altera Quartus sta (TimeQuest)  files (v10.1)

Standard vim syntax file for IBM Einstimer version 11.1